Mammoth Grass The Green Evolution
Introducing Mammoth Grass, the CO2 Cannibal
Sustainable agriculture,
Mammoth Grass is a high yielding energie crop,
that grows very fast and can be harvested annualy. Mammoth Grass is easyly cultivated and not invasive.
Very high carbon (CO2) capture from the air (app. 60 tons/hectare/year) and also stored in the root system (ground carbon capture, app. 6-8 tons/hectare/year).
Mammoth Grass produces in mild climates app. 40 dry tons fiber per year, this can be used for several purposes
General information Mammoth Grass
Mammoth Grass is a perennial grass and comes back every year for a minimum of 20 years.
Mammoth Grass grows annualy to 6 meters tall every year.
Mammoth Grass produces app. 40 dry tons fiber/hectare every year.
Mammoth Grass is an environmental friendly pasture, its large root system captures nutrients and improves water quality.
Mammoth Grass is a sterile plant (not invasive).
Mammoth Grass is a C4 crop.
Mammoth Grass has a high cellulose content (45-55%).
Mammoth Grass can also be grown on less tolerant land and does not compete with land for food crops.
Mammoth Grass and the competition Elephant Grass (Miscanthus gigantheus)
Mammoth Grass | Miscanthus gigantheus | |
Max Height | 6-7 meters | 3-4 meters |
Max height after | 2 years | 3 years |
Fiber Color | white | greenish |
Cold tolerant | yes | yes |
Heat tolerant | yes | yes |
Planting time | year round | spring only |
Planting form | rooted liners (plugs) | rhyzomes |
Drought tolerant | yes after 2nd year | yes after 3rd year |
Weeding needed | yes first year | yes first two years |
Energy Content per dry ton | 18Gj | 18Gj |
Dry ton per hectare | 35-40 | 15-18 |
Enery Content per hectare | 560-640 | 240-288 |
Trademarked Brand name | Applied | no |

Wattstraat 54 2723 RD Zoetermeer
+31 6 15 89 79 76
Mammoth Grass is een steriele plant, niet invasief, maar groeit alleen uit worteldelingen. Het groeit bijna overal. Het kan worden gekweekt op marginale gronden, omdat het zijn eigen voedingsstoffen gebruikt die door de plant zijn geproduceerd.
Growing Mammoth Grass
– Mammoth Grass is mainly produced by stem-cuttings and by tissue culture, the rooted cuttings can be planted year round.
– There is app. 10.000 plants needed per hectare.
– The first year we advise to fertilize the field and if needed moderate irrigation is needed.
– The first year weed control is needed this can be done biological or with herbicides.
– The first year the Mammoth Grass will reach app. 3,5 meters.
– Mammoth Grass is hight temperture resistant and can handle tempertures till minus 25 Degrees Celcius.
– Mammoth Grass is very resistant to pests and diseases.
– In late Autumn the senescence season starts, parts of the nutients provided by the crop debris from the growing year migrate to the underground rhizomes to replenish their reserves
Harvesting Mammoth Grass
-The dry fiber from the Mammoth Grass can be harvested, when the plant dries to 15% moisture level (this is around March) and needs no further drying as corn and wood do to burn.
– The farmer can use his own machinery for cutting the dry stems.
– The Mammoth Grass fiber can be shred to different size caliber, depending on the final utility that the final supplier is going to give it.
– The first year production of the dry fiber is still low, we advise the first year to shred the stems and leave those on the field, this is a great fertilizer and will improve the structure of the soil.
– Second year production will be app. 20 tons.
– Third year and beyond production will be app. 40 tons.
Mammoth Grass, easy and sustainable
– 1 time investment in planting material for the next 20 years.
– Only first year work/cost for planting, feeding, irrigation, weed control and harvest.
– From the second year only harvest cost apply.
– We thinks the dry ton price will continue to rise because more industries are looking for applications to use this C4 Mammoth Grass, Governments are pushing to expend rapidly in bio-based fuels, bio-based building etc.
– Carbon Credits can be applied for in ground storage CO2 and also for the CO2 in the dry fibers, if those are stored for a long time, like concrete blocks etc.
– Mammoth Grass can be a true sustainable and circular crop.